Academic work

Academic work related to APESA

You will find a number of academic work related difficulties and the psychological suffering of entrepreneurs, whether in the study of the phenomenon and its magnitude, as in the reflections on the necessary tools to implement to limit risks.

  • The transition transferor buyer: an approach by the theory of mourning, Thierno Bah.

Graduate School of Business Idrac, ICAR Research Laboratory, Montpellier.

Necessity entrepreneurs: a simplistic dichotomy in a complex continuum: Definitions and typology of necessity entrepreneurs: study effectuale dimension of necessity by creative process by Christel Tessier Dargent.

CERAG, University of Grenoble Alpes, 2015

  • Suicide-related work: Analysis of responses and representations of health professionals by Berangere Balbourg

University of Liege Master in Psychological Sciences, Academic Year 2013-2014

  • Do not cry … it’s the business that goes wrong. Making room for psychosocial interventions in troubled companies by Charlotte BUISSON

University Paris VII – Denis Diderot – UFR Humanities and Social Sciences, Academic Year 2013-2014

Master TPIO – Techniques and Practices Interventions in Organizations

  • The psychological impact of business failure on the debtor by Cécile Dür

The Law Firms in Difficulty, Academic Year 2008-2009

  • Mr Binnié, Processing of business difficulties in the integration of unique challenges to the entrepreneur: Rev. proc. al. 2016, file 27.